If you’re looking to correct skin problems without the pain and discomfort of an invasive surgical procedure, you’ve come to the right place. Dr. Bawa & Associates is an established medical spa in Destin, FL offering hydrafacial treatment to patients wishing to improve their appearances.

At your Service
At Dr. Bawa & Associates, our goal is to produce the aesthetic results you’re after. When you visit our Destin, FL facility for treatment, you’ll be welcomed by a friendly staff and a calm, soothing medical spa environment. We understand that most people would prefer to avoid the discomfort and downtime associated with surgery. That’s why we strive to offer treatment options that are effective but far less invasive.
This treatment is an incredible innovation in skincare that hydrates, exfoliates, extracts, detoxifies, and cleanses all in one, regardless of skin type. Hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, and pore size can all be reduced through the use of this treatment, as well as dark puffy eyes. The whole process involves the use of a special handheld device that has multiple tips depending on the application and administers a variety of solutions dependent on the goal of the treatment.
The HydraFacial™ treatment is the newest advance in non-laser skin resurfacing. HydraFacial is the only hydradermabrasion procedure that combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection simultaneously, resulting in clearer, more beautiful skin with no discomfort or downtime. The treatment is soothing, moisturizing, non-invasive and non-irritating.
The HydraFacial™ treatment improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, congested and enlarged pores, oily or acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation and brown spots.
The HydraFacial™ procedure is suitable for most skin types, including thin or aging skin, ethnic skin, and dry skin or oily skin. Start your skin maintenance program now with HydraFacial™ to slow down your skin’s aging process and delay the need for invasive procedures.
Is Hydrafacial right for you?
- Fine lines + Wrinkles
- Elasticity + Firmness
- Even Tone + Vibrancy
- Skin Texture
- Brown Spots
- Oily + Congested Skin
- Enlarged Pores
Did You Know…
There are two different versions of the Hydrafacial treatment available at most clinics, one taking 25 minutes and another that takes 80 minutes that is used for treating severe cases. It accomplishes all of the above without any downtime or irritation to the skin.
Hydration is the foundation of healthy radiant skin. Irritation of the skin has been proven to increase the signs of aging. The HydraFacial™ is a hydrating and non-irritating treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes a Hydrafacial good for my skin?
One of the foundations of glowing, healthy skin is good hydration. Many treatments that are used to help reverse the signs of aging are harsh and irritating to the skin, and irritation has been shown to be one of the leading causes of increased signs of aging. With a hydrafacial you’re receiving a non-irritating and hydrating treatment that makes your skin look great.
How long does a hydrafacial treatment take?
How long a hydrafacial takes is dependent on the severity of the condition being treated and the area being treated. A basic treatment can take as little as 25 minutes while a longer, more intensive, treatment can take up to 80 minutes. However there is no recovery time from a hydrafacial so you can put on make-up and go back to your day without interruption after the treatment.
What kind of results can I expect to see from a Hydrafacial?
It is common for patients to report that their skin takes on a more even, radiant tone following a single hydrafacial treatment. These results are reported to last a week or longer, and most patients receive repeated treatments on a monthly basis to help improve oily, and congested skin, brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. The best results come from an ongoing regiment of treatment.
Is there any pain associated with a hydrafacial treatment?
The hydrafacial treatment is completely painless.
How many treatments will I require to see noticeable results?
To tackle the most common client complaints, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, etc, the most common course of treatment is six sessions. Following these initial treatments most patients elect to continue receiving treatments once or twice a month.
Am I a candidate for the HydraFacial™ treatment?
The HydraFacial™ treatment is designed for all skin types. Even the most sensitive skin easily tolerates the HydraFacial™ treatment. Our skin care professionals may custom-blend the treatment serums for your unique skin condition.
Is there any downtime or pain?
There is no discomfort during the procedure. It is often described as feeling like a “cool paintbrush moving slowly over your face.” You may put on make-up and return to normal activities right after the treatment as there is no downtime.
What results may be expected? How many treatments are needed to see results? How long do results last?
Many people report seeing visible skin refinement and an even, radiant skin tone after just one treatment. Depending on your skin type frequency will vary, but it is suggested no more than twice a month is necessary.
A single treatment is perfect for those who need a fresh and glowing appearance for a special event or occasion. For those wanting to maintain healthy skin and a vibrant look then monthly treatments would be recommended.
5 Steps in Hydrafacial Procedure