Internal Medicine
Dr. Bawa is a board Certified Internal Medicine Physician. His expertise is in taking care of the complicated medical problems that adults develop later in life. Dr. Bawa & Associates has a special interest in weight loss, bio-identical hormones, and anti-aging. We are always researching natural supplements and alternative therapies that have scientific merit. *results may vary

Acute Disease Management Care
Acute disease is a term used to refer to illnesses that onset very quickly but typically result in a nearly

Alcat Test
The Alcat Test may help uncover which foods and other substances trigger chronic inflammation and its related health issues such

Allergy Testing
Identifying and testing for specific allergies doesn’t have to be a frustrating and difficult ordeal. We offer a simple three-step

Botox for migraines
Botox has been shown to help with migraines and insurance does cover this procedure. We have several staff members who

Hydration therapy
Select your IV Infusion “cocktail” and get “infused” about life and living well! Intravenous (IV) therapy or Infusion therapy is

Management of Acute and Chronic Illness
Acute health conditions occur suddenly, whereas chronic conditions produce symptoms that are ongoing. Occasionally, chronic illnesses produce acute conditions. Osteoporosis,

Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana is now legal in Florida and we are able to prescribe this for several different conditions. In Florida,

Medical Weight Loss
We accept insurance to do a medical evaluation of what is making it difficult to lose weight. We do detailed

Neck pain or Cervical Dytonia
Cervical Dystonia is neck pain that is caused by tight muscles of the neck. The neck muscles hold up our